
Showing posts from December, 2017

Why Watching (and Making) Bad Films can be a Learning Process

Before I kick off, I want to say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Things have been horribly busy here these last few weeks, with deadlines and house moves, so this blog has been somewhat neglected. Now I'm back, and figured I should post a short little something for you to read on Boxing Day. A while back, someone told me: "Watch bad films." For a while, I didn't know what to make of it. I kept asking myself "Why do I need to watch bad films? I hardly have any time to watch the films I want to watch to begin with, so why waste what precious time I have on watching bad films?" That's when it struck me. You need to watch bad films, because they will help you understand more about storytelling and filmmaking. Let me elaborate:  "Oh, hi Mark." - The Room (2003). When we watch a good/great/amazing film, we're always left satisfied with the content, we think about the quality of the cinematography, the cohere

The iPhone X/10 vs. the RED Epic W

Every now and then, I hear about how phone cameras are picking up speed to be on par with digital cinema cameras. In the video above, co-founders of Corridor Digital, Niko Pueringer and Sam Gorski look into the differences and "what makes a camera good?" between the iPhone X and the RED Epic W 4K camera. There are five main points to be made: 1. Resolution - refers to how many pixels your image has. The more pixels, the more detail is available. The RED Epic W holds 8K, which is double the amount of pixels in comparison to the iPhone X's 4K. So, naturally, when the image is zoomed in, in this particular example, certain details are lost, such as the bricks on walls, and the STOP sign at the back. In this aspect, the RED stands strong. However, from a distance the iPhone and RED's quality differences are minor. 2. Dynamic Range - how well does the camera deal with differences in light and dark before being either overexposed or underexposed. The RED