
Showing posts from October, 2018

Working as a Director of Photography

Hello all, been a while. I graduated and finished principal photography on my graduation film, on which I worked as the Director of Photography (DP), back in early April. The film,  Brood , tells the story of how a young girl perceives her mother's trauma. The director drew from her own experience, and because of this, I felt a large responsibility to visually tell the story in a way that would be respectful and faithful to the director's experiences and ideas. This also meant adapting myself and my attitude, and I would like to share with you some of my experience as the DP on what was to me, personally, the most insightful project I have worked on since starting my film-making journey. This is not by far an exhaustive list, but rather just the observations I've made, and I am certain there will be more things to learn further down the line. Location recces. An important step in pre-production work. Communicate with your Heads of Departments: This one is